Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5, 2008 International Midwives Day

Today is the celebration of International Midwives Day. I'm reflecting on the midwives who have influenced me in my career... and there is one name that rises to the very top, my preceptor of many years, Jeanie Rosburg.

We worked together from 1997 until 2002 when she moved to Kauai for retirement. She was not only the midwife for the birth of my 4th child, she was also the midwife for the birth of my dream of becoming a midwife myself. I have so much gratitude for all that she taught me, especially the pioneer spirit that she brought to her work with pregnant women. She had a fearless way of approaching the human body, especially during pregnancy and labor...and I learned from her to bring both intellect and intuition to the table when faced with some of the more difficult issues that come up in our work. Thank you Jeanie!

1 comment:

teri b. said...

Well, happy belated International Midwives Day! If ever there was a profession that deserved a holiday, surely midwifery is it.

Jeanie was amazing, wasn't she? While I believe so strongly in the wisdom and intuition inherent in the birthing mother, I will always have a special place in my heart for both you and Jeanie because of the beautiful paradigm shift that both of you helped to effect in my family's thinking about birth. You challenged what we'd never questioned, and you led us through uncertainty to a whole new world of awareness about how strong and lovely birth can be, and how profound the value even of pain can be when it is experienced with presence and grace. Without our beloved midwives, we may never have gotten to experience that. Thank you.